What will be provided
Checkpoints near Gdynia (PL), Stockholm (SE) and Vaasa (FI)
Live Tracking service and charged tracker
Tea, cookies and something more at the checkpoints and finish sites
Checkpoint stamp card
Finisher's sewed-on piece
Our partners' gifts
Dinner in "Rozmarinas" restaurant before start
Discounts from our partners for some of their items and services (delivered to e-mail if opted-in.)
10€ from every participant will be donated to Ukraine.
Finisher's T-shirt, delivered to preselected finish (given if ordered +15 eur)
The participant can get money back for T-shirt, in case of not finishing the selected distance.
Refund is possible up until 1st of May (same year, not more than two months left until event start). Later we will be ordering last of the services and refund is impossible.
Refunds are being arranged in two weeks from receiving refund email (see Contact section for emails).
Participantion/payment can't be transfered to other person/rider.
In case 1st of May (same year) has already passed, we can offer 30% discount for our next events, happening no later than after 20 months.